Thursday, August 30, 2007

one day left

I count down the days, well the last few days waiting for August to end and September to come in... What am I waiting for I wonder as the 6th will change the quiet of the last few weeks with the D going back to school...and then Halloween will be upon us, and Thanksgiving and Christmas all over again...

I will turn 50 in between all that and my dream was to take a cruise to some place hot without any kids to harrass me, but i dont see that happening with all the has happened this again it will be postponed to something else. I am going to look into last minute trips, but our passport or rather lack of them even though i filled our the forms a year ago...well they still haven't been done...arghhhh... this weekend will be a good time to get them together....everyone has all kinds of plans...i just plan on staying home and enjoying my time off...least i forget the shopping trip with the d...oh well there goes my pocket book.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

August 29th

Labor day weekend is coming... it is going to be some time in work, no one has been in.... those that do come in work like sucks.... but we continue on.

S says she has a new puppy, i couldnt deal with one....i forgot to ask if yk took sugar to the new house.... I need to get into focus to take care of myself... so much work...oh well... September is my favorite

Monday, August 27, 2007

Bubbins goes to the Beach

I went to the big beach with Grammy. The beach is not a pool. The beach is the ocean and the water is very salty. VBlahhh.

Grammy said, "The beach has waves." I waved to it a few times, but it kept waving and waving and waving. I guess the beach never stops waving.

The beach I go to has very soft sand and a sand bar. That means that the water is not too deep most of the time for little ones like me.

But today there was a lot of seaweed along the shoreline. There was brown seaweed with little bulbs on it. There was skinny grassy strappy type seaweed and there was also big leafy green seaweed. Grammy said there are all kinds of seaweed. She said some people eat seaweed. "Ick" is what I say about seaweed. It tried to get me a few times but I pulled it off of my little feet. By the time I left the beach I was no longer afraid of seaweed, but it is still "ICKKKKKKY."

When I was swimming in the water with Grammy, I saw something scary. It had two arms that went up and down in the water, it had a squished face with one big square eye, and it had a tube that stuck out of the water as it moved its arms. I was scared at first and held Grammy tight, but Grammy told me not to worry, that it was a person snorggling. I watched as the snorkler swam this way and that way. Soon I was saying hello, but he didn't hear me.

I also saw a buoy in the water when I was swimming. It was white and red and blue. It bobbed up and own in the water. The buoy tells boats they cannot come any closer. It also tells people they cannot go past it. The lifeguard always blew his whistle and waved his arms at anyone who went out to the buoy.

At the beach there was a little boy from France. I know this because Grammy said his parents spoke French. I said hi but the boy didn't understand me. We had the same shaped pail and shovel but they were different colors. I had a purple shovel and he had a purple pail. I had a blue pail and and he had a green shovel. We both made sand castles with our pails and shovels. I stepped on all of mine. He left his standing.

Grammy and I walked along the edge of the water where the waves come into the sand. We were looking for seaglass. I found no seaglass, and Grammy found only one piece on the entire beach. It was brown and looked like a seahorse. I found lots and lots of rocks, little rocks and big rocks, gray and white rocks, black rocks and brown rocks and marble type rocks. I found so many rocks that I could not bring them home. I left them in a pile for someone else to play with.

I played, ready, on your Market, get set, and go, at the beach. I ran from the big rock wall to the blanket over and over again. Grammy said most of the time you cannot run at the beach because it is too crowded, but it was okay today because the beach was not crowded. Grammy even let me jump on the blanket. It was great.

In the water at the beach there were boats, motor boats and sailboats. The motor boats made funny noises and lots of waves. The sailboats just floated along.

Above the water I saw two planes carrying big giant flags. One was about lemonade and the other was about sharks. I did not understand them at all.

After awhile it started to sprinkle, Grammy said we had to leave before it poured. I don't know why as we were getting wet anyway.

I love the beach. It is the ocean.

for Little R. 8/26, 2007

Sunday, August 26, 2007


the night once a deep blue sea has turned like a black crayon covered by film, watched and waxed, fine filtered fog finds the morning
wet dripping in gauze, the sun is hiding, the moon is too
leaves once soft and supple are tough and aged their lives cut
too short soon they will turn and fall jumble tumble
they will be raked and bagged and burned and buried and jumped into
not necessarily in any order the little shelters built only for a month will be
crushed and regenerated into the land building soil and garden and hutch
like a movie set and just as expensive because after they fall they are useless

Monday, August 20, 2007

The Bubs FIrst Adventure

Sunday, Grammy came to pick me up. Just Grammy, no Papa, because we were going to the cape to visit my greater Grammy, Great Grammy.

I fussed a little bit about half way down, but then Grammy and I began to sing songs. We sang The Three Little Fishes, and Willoby Wolloby, and my very favorite of all Bingo. I love that clapping.

Just as we were almost at Great Grammy's, the Papa car had a problem. The brakes stopped working. Grammy drove slow, and then we almost rode into the house, just kidding. We made it okay. But, we didn't get to go the the little beach because Grammy had to get the car fixed and find a way back home.

I played with Great Grammy in the back yard. We played three ball, and one big ball, we played with rocks, and best of all we read my picture book. I counted all the fishes, and told Great Grammy all my colors. After a while we went into the house because the sqeetos were coming out and we don't want to catch EEE.

Grammy had to get a tow truck. She was on the phone off and on. I played with Great Uncle Jim's little chair, and Grammy's little chair. They are both over 45 years old. Grammy's is a rocker. Great Uncle Jimmy's has no rockers because he rocked them off when he was my age. That is what I heard.

We waited for the tow truck. I played the piano. Grammy told me,"One finger, One finger." So that is what I did. Plick, plunk, tink, wink, plick, plunk, but every once in a while I've have to let those keys have allllmy little fingers and, "Whump" or "Tinkleingunk" would come from the piano.

The big tow truck arrived. I watched the man load Papa's car onto the ramp truck.
"Bye," I said to Papa's car as he went away.

Great Grammy drove Grammy and I to the bus stop. I fell asleep until it was time to get onto the bus.
Grammy picked me up, I saw all the people, I was so tired they looked like a bunch of monsters on the bus. And it was FULL - Full of Monsters! I was so scared I started to scream and cry. All the monsters on the bus looked at me. They had mean faces. Grammy held me tight so I would not be scared. I closed my eyes and slept on Grammy the entire way home.

When I woke up at the bus station all the monsters were gone. They turned into people again. I was happy.

That was my first bus ride, and what a ride it was.

Little R The Bubbins August 19, 2007

Saturday, August 18, 2007


seeking quiet --- everyone is up.... i am still tired as i stayed up way too late -- the Cake is so thoughtful of Pugsly... now if he would just stop lifting his leg.....

I cannot believe it is August seems near impossible, Dianna will be back in school in three weeks... and I who was going to do something about taking a class has yet to do so... God it will be tough I havent been in school for over 5 years.... Is that Possible? I have to decide what I am going to do... now... wow...

I will have the Bub tomorrow and drive his mother back home ...I will see how that goes.
It is fully how G and I get along... omg.

Friday, August 17, 2007

quiet tired

Friday, G is going to nights, EB is mine for the day. Work is crazy and I've been a yoyo.... oH WELL give me think about other thinks.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

back at the grind

it's been less than a week and i am back into the grind, i also blew monday off and was told Tuesday that I was needed to work at least through September... Mondays off goodbye.... it was nice while it lasted. my main intention is to get out of work on time instead of being so late everyday ... it crimps the focus on what i can do and what i can get done.

Di is now a junior as she passed her math ... She did do her work and I think it was good for her. Next year will be easier I hope except for the fact that she is talking about going to college in Canada... this college thing will be a lot of work, and alot of travel as we will probably start visits after January....She goes from one extreme to another about where she wants to go to school, so ... oh well, i will look at the positives.

Summer is winding down, not so many days at the beach this year, and a lot more dificult having no time to myself on Sundays --- but then again, the Bub, is growing in leaps and bounds, he calls us on the phone now, and he is just a happy special boy...

And the Cake, how he is just the most precious child growing into that inbetween age, and how he has grown with his friends and the time he had spent here this summer....

life is good....
oh yeah

back at the grind

Monday, August 13, 2007

hot hot melting

Went back to work after a fab vacation mostly spent at home, but F and I did venture out to Mohegan Sun for a lazy Sunday alone ... It was really a fun evening... and we got to hear Eric Burdon and the Animals sing.... House of the Rising Sun, F's song that relates to his upbringing...and It's my life... lol and just a lot of fun music while we gambled away a few hours.
Probably the funniest part of the evening was when I decided I wanted a player's club card... I went to the desk and was told to "wait there" by the girl at the kiosk....however you spell it...anyway... I said after 5 minutes there a problem.... oh, she said to me, there is a problem with the computer.... so i said... really? as others had come and gone.... and sure enough...along comes a security office.... hummm, i said, what is the problem...and i was told i was banned from the casino...... I said vehemently, I've never even been here... true true, and then.... away i had to go with the security office... where i was checked out...and vindicated --- innocent of the charges....apparently there is another person in Mass with my name and in bad standing.... hummmm an outlaw of some short... So I laughed at that one, and of course F thought it was unfair as he came to rescue me and we lost our place in the free line...

the ride home was dark and creepy for much of the time and we got off the road to get gas and ended up in a small town that came right out of a horror story...we laughed alot and hurried back home

...i know i probably wont go to Mohegan again... Foxwoods is far enough and they are supposed to be building a casino in mass...

my friends at work say suffolk downs...uh oh... that makes me nervous...very close to home... and to my employees...

temptation ...oh yeah

Thursday, August 09, 2007

work work work

I've been back to work only a few days and they have been hectic ones. Injuries to employees and paperwork, discipline and other various tasks constant ... at times i just hate it, but other times i love it. what is wrong with me?

alas, had a long conversation with my older sister about our Mom's health, and she and I agree on many of facets regarding the comings and goings of her health care. i feel vindicated in my feelings regarding the discussion with my brother.

My boss gave me tickets to the up and comings at Fenway, but no one is available to go ... so I guess I will give them off, perhaps another time... too bad St is down the cape, Dd is working and I refuse to go with Mugsey.... Fred cant get time as he took time earlier this week....oh well...I will give them to PB i am sure he would love to have them especially since his tickets are not in the same row...weird....

working on my novel finally -- i think i am stronger now and can deal with the rereads etc and the work involved in making it a better read...who knows... it will be an accomplish ment if i can work through each section and complete it as I never seem to be able to get there...but hopefully ....i will find the strength some place.

the big boss said if i look into classes he will investigate and sign off because i want to finish my masters but it is just too expensive so ...perhaps perhaps...

for now the laundry is cooking and so am i ...

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Perfect days

This week has been 7 days of laziness watching movies and just doing what we or i pleased. I only drove D to school three so that was a bank error in my favor for sleeping late. I never usually sleep later than 4 am so it will be difficult returning to work because i have been sleeping til 7 and today it was 8 ... long ago in the days of old i remember sleeping til noon... i wonder if that will ever happen again, my clock as just about everything else has and is constantly changing.

Fred turned 55 this week and had a fantastic day. All the kids were here and then some. I even went and got the Bubbins. He takes so much pleasure in seeing everyone enjoy themselves in the pool -- and this week they all have. We didnt get to bed til near 2 in the morning.... If only we could live like this all ways...

Cook outs and swimming day and night --- nothing could be better than that in this steamy weather. easyLiving in the city oh yeah!

Faithful the book by Steward O'Nan and Stephen King has also cracked me up all week. K sent it to me months ago but I never picked it up. What a great read that I can relate to. Thanks you two for some of the best short takes on the ups and downs of being a Red Soxs Lover.... and I am, I tell you I am. She also sent me a little slip that said Mothers are for loving and telling Stories... So I guess I am some kind of a mother. enough...
I cant believe it is August 4th, my sister birthday.... and I am ever closer to the big 50....arghhhh

Friday, August 03, 2007

Vacation.... of sorts

I've forgotten how easy it is to just be home and not have the morning rush, not deal with suits, and stockings, and shoes. Not worry about my unkempt hair.... and shower without worry of time constraints.... it is all too short a time this week, or 10 days as it will be --

We took an impromptu trip to NYC, thanks to my boss who sold me his tickets to Xanadu... I wasnt sure I was going to like it.... but it turned out to be a fantastic funny show a stopper for sure....I remember the movie as horrid. The Cake enjoyed it and understood it.
Mugs whined the entire time he was with us, except at the theatre, so I learned never go on a vacation with him, what a drag...
I saved money by not staying in Times SQ, but it wasnt the same...and I will probably never do that again.

We did stay at a hotel behind the WTC site, so that was good, but very emotional, we could watch workers and tourists from near and far visit all day and night.... It just seems like a cold place, I hope the Freedom Tower will be a vision of light and least they dont forget the greenery.... it is a cement land down there... even though the water is not far, with the tall buildings gray shadows overtake all...

My Mom is fighting a blood pressure battle and I was upset with the fact that her drs. never seem to call her back for days. I made the mistake of calling my brother who said stuff to me like, You should be taking care of yourself... and with that I almost blew my top and found it hard to maintain my composure-- regardless My Mother, Our Mother is a part of my life, and if I feel as if the response she is getting from medical profession regarding her problem is lacking, I most certainly will question it. From Where and what he thinks---- I do not understand. Does he think because one has children, the parents arent of concern? He said I should call my sister and ask her about the timing. And I felt so angry, what would my need be.... Why because my sister has had dealing with the medical community not communicating as quickly as she likes either... geesh... Life experience... I just have to reason that he doesnt have a clue as to what I have dealt with, and leave it as that. or rather he thinks my life is overwhelming me and therefore i am concerned about my Mother, how ridiculous.

So, He did say to me that they have a deal, My Mom. They will move to the cape and take care of her if they have to when the time is needed... OK. Therefore Mom doesnt need to leave her home. I am happy they have such an agreement, but that doesnt take away the now of her blood pressure being out of sync for over three weeks...the damage it could cause is ....i dont want to even say it.... Yes, I know she is 80... i will be lucky if i live that long.

aside, it would be nice to have just one thing happen where my Mother and my brothers and sisters will stop pitying me for some of the stuff that has gone awry in my life. Hey that's what like is, nothing is perfect and I have one thing is my life that is constant, regardless of my struggles... and that is me and my creativity... and of course my husband...who always knows where I am coming from even if no one else does.

so i have rambled on about such stuff... some things therapy just cannot change, because you cant change others you can only change your reaction to them... enough!

It has been too hot to paint ... or do much of anything but be lazy. So I am.