Friday, March 23, 2007


after a horrendous week at work, i am out of there for approx 6 days...which will not be long enough. however... the surgery was a success or so it seems, although I don't remember saying anything to my dr or even seeing him after it was done.... it was done or so it seems as i had the worst pains i can ever remember and i said pain... and more than that i do think i was writhing for a bit and they put morphine in my iv... so that was that...except for the fact that I get nausea from the stuff, so ive been sick to my stomach for the rest of the day, never mind the dizziness because my blood pressure went down to 80 over 40 and they weren't going to let me go back home unless it rose...and it did to 100 over 48 ....and then they let me go home with the stipulation that i stay in bed and only get our to walk here or there so no emboli get me.

great now let us see what is going to happen...

r went to bw so i hope all else goes well... i am scared he is going to give up i am trying to have faith.

1 comment:

Joan said...

Sorry I didn't call before today... you've been in my thoughts all week as I knew this was coming. Feel better soon and REST for real!

Love you so much.

(Haven't sent the books yet because the box I was going to send them in accidentally went out with the recycle! I'll get them out to you soon as I find a box.)