Sunday, September 24, 2006

Monday anniversary

Tomorrow will be our 30th wedding anniversary. 30 years, barely a lifetime, but a life time still. I was thinking about marriage in relation to age. If you were married and divorced after 5 years, your marriage would have been in childhood, still learning, but able to be very head strong, obstinate.

in the beginning... If you get divorced before 1 year, infancy. In the 2-3 age bracket, you were just toddling along in your marriage, ages 4-6, early childhood, 7-10 childhood, prepubescent, 11-14--- oh those so turbulent years, before adolescence: ages 15-21. And finally when you become adults, after the age of 21, then if you become divorced, you will have run many gambits but achieved the rank of being a full fledged adult divorcee, in stead of one of the others just because of the age length of your marriage........ do age behavior patterns correlate with the ages of marriages. hummm....perhaps perhaps...does anyone care? where do these thoughts come from?

it has been a busy three days back at work after a wonderful vacation, that just wasnt long enough to get everything done, now today I have a ton of housework to do, and I would prefer to visit my mother, but I dont see that happening either. It sucks, I might take a drive down just to take a drive... laundry first though.

I am in the process of redecorating, although my husband doesnt realize it.hehehe.... I am working at it subtly.... remove the rug... Rearrange stuff... Shopping for furniture without his knowledge, my typical way of redecorating....long term planning in the mind, then popping the decisions, as they are decisions. I think I am lucky in that respect, my husband doesnt care about home decor, as long as it is not frilly in the bedroom..... and he likes a comfy sofa, but little does he know, I am preparing to purchase him a lounge chair, something he hasnt had in years, oh a recliner I guess, well at least I am thinking about it.

For now, rug removal and general clutter clean up is taking blinds, window washing.... painting....and perhaps by Christmas, the ultimate will be achieved. If I was wealthy, it would be so easy to call on someone, please do this, and it would only take a week!... what a dream...

back to my marriage....

being at it may, 30 is a great age, I loved being 30. And wow, here we are at 30 years of marriage and it feels pretty good, it feels so relaxed, and so understood. and it isnt at all boring... so many times little things just happen, my husband is great with the one liners....the quips that he says that remind me why i chose him, ... when we were on the ship, we got up in the middle of the night, 3 am. no one was around, it was amazing, maybe 1 person and 1 couple .... in the public places that we visited, but we were out on the deck under the stars, and he said, watch out for the pirates, such a quip and i laughed and remembered what I thought was just wonderful about him, and he too, at times will say to me after I've said sometime weird, obscure, or just mundane, who knows, but some line, and he will let out a chuckle and say, you know I love you, so i think it is that, those little lines that a mate can say during conversation or in the midst of some task that prompts that space in the brain to perk up and feel that love that no one else in the entire world can touch because he or she just isnt in "your" head that way.

Tomorrow I am going to try to leave work early, stop at the pier and get lobster, and well, just have a nice, I have to shop for a gift for hubby...hummm...what will i get him?

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