Sunday, September 24, 2006

Monday anniversary

Tomorrow will be our 30th wedding anniversary. 30 years, barely a lifetime, but a life time still. I was thinking about marriage in relation to age. If you were married and divorced after 5 years, your marriage would have been in childhood, still learning, but able to be very head strong, obstinate.

in the beginning... If you get divorced before 1 year, infancy. In the 2-3 age bracket, you were just toddling along in your marriage, ages 4-6, early childhood, 7-10 childhood, prepubescent, 11-14--- oh those so turbulent years, before adolescence: ages 15-21. And finally when you become adults, after the age of 21, then if you become divorced, you will have run many gambits but achieved the rank of being a full fledged adult divorcee, in stead of one of the others just because of the age length of your marriage........ do age behavior patterns correlate with the ages of marriages. hummm....perhaps perhaps...does anyone care? where do these thoughts come from?

it has been a busy three days back at work after a wonderful vacation, that just wasnt long enough to get everything done, now today I have a ton of housework to do, and I would prefer to visit my mother, but I dont see that happening either. It sucks, I might take a drive down just to take a drive... laundry first though.

I am in the process of redecorating, although my husband doesnt realize it.hehehe.... I am working at it subtly.... remove the rug... Rearrange stuff... Shopping for furniture without his knowledge, my typical way of redecorating....long term planning in the mind, then popping the decisions, as they are decisions. I think I am lucky in that respect, my husband doesnt care about home decor, as long as it is not frilly in the bedroom..... and he likes a comfy sofa, but little does he know, I am preparing to purchase him a lounge chair, something he hasnt had in years, oh a recliner I guess, well at least I am thinking about it.

For now, rug removal and general clutter clean up is taking blinds, window washing.... painting....and perhaps by Christmas, the ultimate will be achieved. If I was wealthy, it would be so easy to call on someone, please do this, and it would only take a week!... what a dream...

back to my marriage....

being at it may, 30 is a great age, I loved being 30. And wow, here we are at 30 years of marriage and it feels pretty good, it feels so relaxed, and so understood. and it isnt at all boring... so many times little things just happen, my husband is great with the one liners....the quips that he says that remind me why i chose him, ... when we were on the ship, we got up in the middle of the night, 3 am. no one was around, it was amazing, maybe 1 person and 1 couple .... in the public places that we visited, but we were out on the deck under the stars, and he said, watch out for the pirates, such a quip and i laughed and remembered what I thought was just wonderful about him, and he too, at times will say to me after I've said sometime weird, obscure, or just mundane, who knows, but some line, and he will let out a chuckle and say, you know I love you, so i think it is that, those little lines that a mate can say during conversation or in the midst of some task that prompts that space in the brain to perk up and feel that love that no one else in the entire world can touch because he or she just isnt in "your" head that way.

Tomorrow I am going to try to leave work early, stop at the pier and get lobster, and well, just have a nice, I have to shop for a gift for hubby...hummm...what will i get him?

Sunday, September 10, 2006

morning...what kind

Flo as she will be known has turned into a hurricane, surprise --- not.
I have a zillion things to still do, which I will certainly try to get to, but, how ironic, i will be glad to be getting away, i just hope the boat doesnt shake.... bought seasickness meds, and we have decided to bring the lap top just encase i want to upload the pics. the main thing we are worried about is the storm at sea, i am so anxious i could just burst, f teases, reminding me of how much i like the poseidon adventure, but that's only a story, not one i want to imitate.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

getting closer and far away

the days have been short, time melting into time, day, noon, night
the children are nervous, asking questions, when, where,
and we question them, too.
they are not used to us leaving them behind, even to go out by ourselves, we are usually always here.
we are getting ready...
nervous about Florence, but we have been told they will go elsewhere if it looks like a rough time. so be it, what will be will be.
closing the pool always marks the end of the season,
our anniversary, the beginning of a new year.
how fall melds in to winter and covers the earth as we cover each other
blessed and blissfull

my mom went to the drs. which was a gift, as we have assumed she has been avoiding taking charge of her medical issues, she said, "well, i was waiting for the news from joan just encase I had to fly out there." I am relieved that all is good. I also said to Mom, well thank you for that gift, as we need you to take care of yourself. It is easy to let things pass... like the mamo, like the physical, like the windows, or even cutting the grass, if you keep up with the chore of taking care of yourself, hopefully you can stay on top somehow. Mom is in for a couple of weeks of testing. God, I do hope she is okay!

time to get packing the cruise people said that if the hurricane is going there, we will go elsewhere, so i have faith.

Friday, September 08, 2006

first days of school

d, dyed her hair for the family values concert, i was getting fond of her regular chestnut hair, lesson, just when you think your teen has quieted down and has accepted mainstream, watch out!

Jcakes with his substitue teacher looking on.

and the most wonderful smile in the world!

on vacation

We've been on vacation already for two days, it seems more like 2 hours. of course my daughter had to point out that the Florence the storm is out on the ocean and is heading for Bermuda, where we are going. I hope they are wrong; F says he doesnt care as we are out to relax. The moon is showing signs of craziness..hummm

Today was a very inspirational day, but of course I didnt have my journal on me so all the thoughts were just there and put out into the cosmos from my brain.

of course having drs appointments, boob squishing tests, and other wise charge of jcake has added to the time going by quickly.

Wednesday, we shopped for a kitty for D. First we drove out to the animal rescue league in Dedham. It is a farm, and a great place to visit, like going to the zoo. They had horses and crows, and a rooster that kept crowing, cockadoodle do, and jcakes did, too. Best of all, they had sheep and goats, and a pig.

When jcakes saw the pig he said, "Look they have a pig! and then he pinched his nose closed and said, "And a smelly pig it is, too!" that has kept me laughing all day.

But no kitty there as they fix the tike before letting it go home, and since we are leaving on Sunday, although D had found a 5 month old she like, well, we had to say adeiu. Then we drove downtown, and there they petted lot of older cats, but none that D seemed to like. I like a cat named Lily, but ....
D did get to hold a ferret, and she changed her mind about wanting one, as she has always said she wanted one, but she said it felt like a snake with fur, much different than she expected....

Jcakes played with an awesome black bunny for nearly 15 minutes. I would have like to get him myself if I didnt have so much stuff to take care of all ready. It was sad to say good-bye to the beasties, but it was also nice to leave them behind too. It was a long day of driving hether and there, but it was fun and free except for the gas.

Tonight F and I went to the pool place and bought a new cover. I realized when we were there that we have had this second pool since the year F's mom died, and that is 8 years ago the 13th. Time is just going by way too fast.

F has been great helping to get ready for the trip, helping with the laundry while i do all the other stuff.... tomorrow and Saturday will be busy busy late naps and late drives...just packing and making sure everyone is on the same page.

I am so nervous with thoughts of worry leaving D and M alone, that I ended up asking the dr about it, she sent me for an ekg and a zillion tests on top of everything else. I am a ok...but still worried. I do hope all goes well, it isnt as if we dont have a support infra structure encase something is amiss...