Sunday, February 26, 2006

all mixed up

it's 3 am and i am awake, my clock is all mixed up, it doesnt know when to turn or churn or just be still....

this week will be very stressful, my final three days in westie, i cant wait to leave that place, the employees run the show and it is not my style....

God only knows where they will send me next
S is talking about selling her condo and getting an apartment close to her job,
M starts his job tomorrow
D goes back to school Monday
and R and H are doing ok, even if they drive me nuts.
H complains about her sister in law, but she is just as bad, no mention about getting a job... I dont get it...Dont complain unless you have a solution, that is the motto

The christening went well except for the fact that one of my cameras was left in my daughter's locker at school...and the other...put some place by H and not retrieved for the day.
that irks me.

I am obviously cranky, however i did iron enough of F's shirts to last over the week and meditated on the week coming up...
work, class, work, work, test... the last test of this course and the half way mark! God give me strength. This would be alot easier without the worries of family.
no it wasnt a complaint merely a statement.

WS said..."when this is done they should give us all a vacation" I completely agree.

well i best try to get back to bed, and plan out my study time. I really do not like crunching it all at the last minute. oh how my brain is dead.

oh how my brain is dead
words come to mind, but not said
words float by but i cant pick them up
or out,
a buttercup sauce without the stuff
that is my brain
mush mush!

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