Saturday, October 08, 2005

Baseball musings

Baseball musings….

I have not forgotten-- the feeling…. Down trodden --- hunched over, elbows on my knees, head slightly low, cheeks full and pouting lips, tears trying to ooze out of the sides of my eyes. Disbelief….how many times have I been here before… on the edge of grief… because of baseball…

Change of Colors, the Boston Globe said, and others too. Yes, it is true, the Sox’s are out, no ALCS play, no World Series. Put your dreams to bed, but not….

There is NEXT Year!!!

I wonder how many times I said that in my life time, next year.
O, how I basked in last years’ glee, the happiness, the out and out cheer that still carries over, yeah, it is still there…

We just didn’t get it this year. Yup! It’s over, and I know it’s over, but,

The Atlanta Braves are in there… and they used to be in Boston, so they are my national league team. I’m on their fan list, and receive emails about their games and tickets. (At least if I lived in Atlanta I would be able to get tickets, unlike that fact that this year I was unable to get a ticket to a Red Sox game….. Well, not true, I could have had a few tickets but they would have cost me, next year I might just have to do some begging…)

Anyway, last night, I pushed back my sadness, cheered on the Angels against the Evil Empire, and today, I will cheer on St. Louis and the Braves. Sorry Padres.

Now I am free to choose whom to root for ----- and of course it will not be the Chicago, well I do like that city, and I love NYC too except for the Yankees, and if they manage to win, I will never root for them, it would be more than a sin….
I will not root for Houston either– home of our ex Roger Clemens…

I would like to see the Angels (at least I’ve seen their stadium) go up against the Braves and have the Braves win,….

but I have a feeling for the end…it’s going to be the White Sox’s against St Louis… and then who do I pick? Certainly not a bird!

Back to the Sox’s again… the Pin Striped Black and Whites, I have to give them credit… they just plain out shined us…

And my husband, the bad fan, how he loves to tease me, he flipped through the stations last night… I put my pillow over my head…. the news over and over again….punishment
“Stop it!” I said …..----

“You,” he said to me, “I come to rescue you and you tell me to shhhh, because you were listening to the Red Sox’s.”

There is no sense in trying to explain Red Sox’s reasoning to a man that is a bad fan. I rolled away from him.
“Your boys of the summer just didn’t make it.”

Arghh how dare he.

I closed my eyes, and hugged my pillow. Good Night Red Sox’s Sweet Dreams.
NEXT YEAR!!!! Oh yeah, I’m waiting!

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