Sunday, May 26, 2013


from the Forrest of Destiny Series


By Connell Mathews

Once upon a time in the Forest of Destiny there lived a fairy named Afia. She was a beautiful bronze fairy who lived in a Pumpkin Patch beneath the Mountains of Separatis. Her eyes were like daisies, dark globes with white star lights. She was tall for a fairy and often times other fairies would come to Afia to help them find lost things. Afia did not mind, for she was a most brilliant of fairies with a very sharp mind and a very special eye. But Afia always wore gloves on her hands, for she had a secret, a secret gift that she was scared to share.

One day when Afia was out flying in the Forest, she spied a little fairy so tiny that Afia thought it was a baby fairy. She had never met a baby fairy, so Afia thought,” I must say hi.”

Afia snuck up upon the little fairy and with her very spriteful voice she whispered, “Hello baby fairy, I am Afia, the tallest fairy of all.” Afia flew into the air and danced until she came down to the ground again.

“Oh my, “said Babe, for you see it was Babe the fairy who never grew very tall at all. And she had a tear coming from her eye.

“Oh, did I scare you?” asked Afia

“Oh no, not at all, I’m just so sad.” said Babe.

“Oh, but why?” Afia asked.

“It is my heartshine, it is not working on my pea pod, and I am so very very upset.”

“But I do not understand,” said Afia, “What is heartshine, and why is it not working on your pea pod? And why are you so very upset?” Afia asked sitting down in the pea pod vines.

”Well,” said Babe, “as we have never met, I should introduce myself to you. My name is Babe, and I live here in the Forest of Destiny. I have four flowers that I tend to everyday. Can you see them down in the meadow? And I sleep in this pea pod right here , under this willow tree, which probably makes no sense to you, as pea pods don’t grow under willow trees, in the shade, but mine does, and has, and it is all I know about sleeping somewhere, here in my pea pod, under this willow tree.” And Babe took a long loud breath and let out a loud sigh.

And Afia took a long deep breath and sighed, too. “Oh Babe, I am pleased to meet you. As I said before,”I am Afia, the tallest of all Fairies, and gee I think you, Babe are the smallest of all fairies," and Afia laughed. And Babe laughed, too.

“Oh, perhaps I am the smallest of all fairies, “Babe said, “but, well---

“Oh yes, you have heartshine,” said Afia, “and what is heartshine?”

“Heartshine is when I smile at someone or something that is unhappy it will feel better,” said Babe, “You know every Fairy has a special gift, and heart shine is mine. What is yours Afia?”

Afia thought and thought, and then she said, “I guess it is my brain, and being the tallest fairy, I can often see things far away that other fairies cannot see, I have a very special eye, and I can think up most anything, I have a vivid imagination, too.”

“Well that is just wonder-full,”said Babe, “I am so happy to meet you,” but a tear still slipped from Babe’s eye.

Afia looked at a Babe, and then she looked at Babe’s pea pod

Afia could tell something was wrong with it. It should be green, but it was brown. It should be soft and supple, but it was rough and crinkly. “Oh oh “said Afia,” I think your pea pod is sick, it needs some sun.”

But Babe said, “It has always grown quite well under this willow tree, why now? Why does it need sun now? Why won’t my heartshine work on it? I do not understand it at all,” Sighed Babe.

Afia, stood up very tall and she reached out her hands and Babe could they were not like the rest of her skin, Afia wore gloves on them, and Babe wondered, Humm there is more to Afia than she will let me see, so Babe just watched, and she watched, quietly as Afia took off her gloves and her little fairy hands were green. Afia motioned and lifted the vines of the Willow tree making a little arbor where the sun could reach in under the willow. Afia’s fingers knotted the branches but did not hurt them. She bent them round and round softly and Babe’s little peapod perked up and started to turn green again.

Afia did not turn or look around as she said, “Maybe your little pea pod needs to move into the sun Babe?”

But Babe could not speak. She was in awe as Afia worked her magic.

Afia looked away from the vines, and then realized that Babe was watching her perform her magic the entire time. She suddenly stopped and dropped her hands and covered them quickly with her gloves again.

Babe smiled, she smiled with her heartshine and Afia could feel her smile. Afia reached out to Babe. They joined hands and flew into the air together.

Babe whispered to Afia,” Your secret is safe with me, you never have to be afraid, I will not tell anyone, if that’s the way you want it to be. “

Afia nodded, all was okay. “Someday, “she said to Babe, “Someday when I think the other fairies won’t be afraid.”

The End

05/19/2013 c

Thursday, May 23, 2013

May 23

35 years you g Stephanie
32 Ricky. Just sad.
Miss my babies being babies live was easier then.
Tears I don't want to shed the drip out the dudes of my eyes like sparklers burning bright sequins glitter. What more could I ask for. Birthday girl and boy

On our way to sox game


Tuesday, May 14, 2013