Saturday, May 24, 2008

away... may 24th

30 years ago today at this time i was checking into bli, which no longer exists as it was, it is now a different hospital, it is modern, it is still cutting edge, but the old building is gone, the white stone brick facade, the sculptured courtyard, the frieze, it is red brick now and a different name, and nearly 7 hours later i delivered my first child, a daughter, pale skin, blue eyes, and bald as a cue ball, but she had an aura, and i felt it and noticed it, today ...30... does it seem possible that was 30 years ago...

27 years ago I lay in the new version of that old hospital with my new born son, same day, he was born in the morning, where she was born in the evening.... two distinctly different births, different children....and today, still the same, same day, different worlds, different delights, different pains....pangs... oh i have them...

ive been sick nearly a week, so sick i am ready to hit the doctors but i dread it...

however, i still yearn for my reserve body to awaken to make me well .... would be better than any pill they can have me swollow...

today is just a sad day for me, ive been through so much trauma the last few months i suppose i am lucky to me going... i am going and going... will be glad when i feel like i can breath again....

thirty years, twenty seven years ago... how impossible it all seems, yet how true it is...

on the other hand my youngest got her results from her sats.... outstanding english, ok math,,,, but acceptable for any state schools we've looked at...and most ivy league too.... perhaps an sat math class would help her... we will see...she't just an awesome kid...