Friday, May 26, 2006

shame shame

ive been working so hard, i've no time for anything. havent been writing, havent been calling... looking forward to nyc this weekend. i really need to have some fun.

maybe a new buggy next week... too bad ive grown fond of the wagon..i dont know what we are going to do. Ricky bought a little car, it reminds me of my younger sister's old one. I think it will be a good car for him and his family. i pray that all things work out. cant believe it is memorial day weekend wow.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Life death, little annoyances

Today there was a comment on my blog, receive a college degree.... well I have two --- big deal... having to screen comments to avoid spam is an annoyance... but it is minor compared to the people here who have lost their homes, and are living in shelters because of the floods. Luckily, we have a new drainage system in place that seems to be working well, but we had 4 feet of water in the basement once, and I don't want to have to go through that again.

I pray for strength, and peace for those who have to deal with the aftermath and recovery ...water--- life giveth and taketh away...nature...

the job is going ok... lots to learn, but loving it.... i hope it stays this way...

On the other note, death has come to the family. My aunt, 83, i think she was passed away. My daughters noticeably upset, my sons, a little shaken. "She always seemed so strong, so febrile,old but not so old" My oldest went crabbing with her as a child, my grandson has a big green seahorse given to him by my aunt...

my cousin, her daughter, we were close as children, well as close as cousins can be in a way... in our early teens, my cousin met someone and fell in love, her mother threatened her, do not marry him, he has no college degree, he wants to be a lock smith... they were madly in love...

my cousin went to cornell... left school to be with the locksmith...went to bu...mother threatened her again... do not marry him...

she moved away to delaware, started her life again, got her masters, met someone new, got married and within 6 months she was dead..plane crash, burned to death...

my aunt, strong women, but very controlling, she lived a good long life, even though tragic ..... My God Bless her and keep her...

It will be a long two days...wakes and funerals....

Friday, May 05, 2006

one week gone by

it is a week since i went to my new assignment, and i like it..i really like it...
i have so much to learn, so many things to juggle...lots of paperwork, but i am managing, once i get the unit caught up and adjust some routes, i think it will be ok.... i am sure i will have some horrid days, but for the moment... i am liking it. whew!

Monday, May 01, 2006

first day in new station

saturday i went to the station, it is being run by all people under 30...for the most part that is. i am impressed....i am also impressed at the cleanliness of the building as it used to dark and scary.

i am as nervous as a cat.... but saturday went i will be assigned wint.. a community that is on the water and the carriers will be mine.... i look forward to the challenge as it will be a new challenge for me being as the decisions will be mine. more learning, always more to learn...

I pray for strength after the beating I took.